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Business Networks

Child Labour Platform

The Child Labour Platform (CLP) is a cross-sectoral, multi-stakeholders forum for sharing experiences and lessons learned in eliminating child labour, particularly in the supply chains.

The Platform draws on ILO’s extensive experience in this area to provide guidance and knowledge-sharing opportunities to address obstacles and key dilemmas faced by business, link with global and local initiatives to eliminate child labour, and foster practical action that can make a difference in affected communities.

The CLP is co-chaired by the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), and coordinated by the ILO and the Global Compact.

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Tools and resources for business on child labour

Global Business Network for Social Protection Floors

The Global Business Network for Social Protection Floors is composed of enterprises and corporate foundations from all over the world that have a common understanding of the corporate responsibility to respect and support the implementation of the human right to social protection. 
The Network has two main objectives:

  1. Enable enterprises developing protections for their employees to share their experiences and learn from other companies and determine the extent to which these protections can be implemented through public social protection systems, particularly in countries where social protection systems exist and are functional.
  2. Enable enterprises, their affiliates and subsidiaries to support the implementation of public social protection systems through advocacy and other activities.

The Global Network is expected to contribute to the Global Programme on Building Social Protection Floors for All, which is intended to make access to social protection floors a reality for millions of people.
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Global Business Network on Forced Labour 

The Global Business Network on Forced Labour is a partnership between the ILO, multinational and domestic enterprises, employers' organizations, and business associations in the call to drive action on forced labour and human trafficking deeper into the supply chain and across industry and sectors.

In pursuing this vision, this Network aims to raise awareness, build leadership, and strengthen capacity for business and employers through the following approach:

Connect – Forge new working partnerships with and between the private-sector and those in a position to do something about the cause or consequences of these issues.
Discover – Track innovations and progress around the world so as to provide a consolidated resource hub for best practices.
Align – Encourage the streamlining of company and collective actions to draw on comparative advantages and promote more effective national responses.
Motivate – Engage in dialogue with political and business leaders, keeping the issues in public view and taking advantage of every opportunity to influence and inform key influencers and policy-makers.
Enable – Work continuously to keep the issue on the agenda of major donor countries, organizations and the private-sector and find ways to make tactical investments in pilot interventions and resources which can catalyze action.

Learn more about the initiative and ways to get involved

ILO Global Business and Disability Network

The ILO Global Business and Disability Network brings together multinational enterprises, employers' organizations, business networks and disabled persons' organizations who share the conviction that people with disabilities have talents and skills that can enhance virtually any business. It has four main purposes and areas of focus:

  • Sharing knowledge and identifying good practices among companies and employers’ organizations.
  • Developing joint products and services for companies and employers to facilitate hiring and retention.
  • Strengthening the work of employers' organizations and business networks that have greater access to small and medium size companies at the national level, and building their technical expertise on disability issues.
  • Linking companies to ILO activities and partners at the national level and working through local offices and supply chains.

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Resources on disability and inclusion

Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration)

Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration)

ILO Helpdesk for Business

ILO Helpdesk for Business

Business and decent work: An introduction to the MNE Declaration

E-learning module

Business and decent work: An introduction to the MNE Declaration