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Office of the Legal Adviser

The Office of the Legal Adviser/Office of Legal Services (JUR) protects the legal interests of the International Labour Organization (ILO) by advising the Director-General, the Office and the policy-making organs of the ILO. 
It supports fulfilment of the mandate of the ILO under its Constitution and the legal framework for the development of Decent Work Country Programmes.

JUR advises on the Constitution, rules and standing orders, privileges and immunities, technical cooperation, complex contracts, credentials and human resources issues, including cases brought before the ILO Administrative Tribunal. It aids in the preparation of international labour Conventions and Recommendations and other instruments. More > -->

Institutional Governance and Official Meetings

Institutional Governance and Official Meetings

Agreements and Contracts

Agreements and Contracts

Internal Administration

Internal Administration

ILO Legal Instruments

ILO Legal Instruments

Legal Protection

Legal Protection